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Tag Archive: Movie

This is going to be awesome…and sick.

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Watch it now on Peter Jacksons Facebook site.

Follow me to the video.

(You can also see some EPIC rigs) *YAY*

News on Hangover 2

The most shocking thing about the recently released trailer for The Hangover Part II — beyond the fact that the MPAA allowed a monkey to pantomime fellatio in a green band trailer — was that it stuck so close to the original film’s set-up. Will the sequel to your favorite R-rated comedy from the last two years be a stale retread of worn out jokes, or was the trailer holding things back? Director Todd Phillips has an answer.

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Read more at movieline.com.

Zack-Snyder-cinegear-net-blogFaster than a speeding bullet or merely Batcycle-quick? That was the question we put to Superman: Man Of Steel’s director Zack Snyder when we collared him at Sucker Punch’s recent London junket. Credit to him, he resisted the urge to kick-off a superhero turf war, giving a diplomatic answer that involved kryptonite arrows and a slightly baffled look.The diplomacy was unsurprising considering the Dark Knight’s current custodian, Christopher Nolan, is working closely with Snyder and writer David Goyer to bring Supes back to the big screen. “Chris has been amazingly generous with me,” Snyder told us of his producer’s contributions to Superman: Man Of Steel’s storyline. “He’s making The Dark Knight Rises but he takes time if we’re knocking around ideas for the script. We’ll all sit around in a room, beat it around and try to figure it out…”

Read more at empireonline.com.

Amy Adams will play the role of Lois Lane in Zack Snyder’s Superman.

Official statement of Warner Bros.:

amy adams plays lois lane in zack snyders superman“Second only to Superman himself, the question of who will play Lois Lane is arguably what fans have been most curious about. So we are excited to announce the casting of Amy Adams, one of the most versatile and respected actresses in films today,” said Snyder. “Amy has the talent to capture all of the qualities we love about Lois: smart, tough, funny, warm, ambitious and, of course, beautiful.”



Warner Bros. will offer five more movies for streaming via Facebook. That includes Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Inception, Life as We Know It and Yogi Bear. This is how it works: US viewers pay for a 48 hours viewing window with facebook credits and enjoy the flick with full functionality.

More infos on Engadget.

The first full english-subtitled trailer of Takashi Miike’s epic movie “13 Assassins” has been released.

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